Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to Make Tapayatha d' Tilkepe

See video here:


1 - Bunch Parsley (Goorinfis)

1 - Green Pepper (Filfil Yarooqta)

4 - Garlic (Tooma) Cloves

12- Mushrooms (Kamih)

4 - Tomatoes (Tamata)

2 - White Onions (Bisla)

5 - Eggs (Beta)

2 Teaspoons - Baharat (Atto Spice Co.)

1 Teaspoon - Black Pepper (Filfil Komih)

1 Can - Tomato Paste (Ma'joon d' Tamata)

1 Teaspoon - Salt (Milkha)

Vegetable Oil (Dehna)

Cream of Wheat (Girsa d'khutih)